الاسلام والدين البهائي

Islam and the Bahá’í Faith

Islam and the Bahá’í Faith

The Bahá’í Faith proclaims an underlying oneness that binds all major world religions. All are connected through the unity of their originating source, and the similarities in their core teachings. The different relationships between the Bahá’í Faith and many of these religions are explored at various web sites. The relationship between Islam and the Bahá’í Faith has its own particulars. It is affected by the proximity between the two Faiths in both time and geography.

This site was established with the hope of promoting a better understanding of the relationship between the Bahá’í Faith and Islam. Since its inception in the mid eighteen hundreds, the Bahá’í Faith has been regarded by many, in the region where it started, with mistrust and suspicion. Numerous accusations have been made concerning its origins and its goals and aims. At the very least, it has been belittled as a misguided and insignificant sect of Islam. The pages on this site present a humble attempt at addressing these issues.

Independent Investigation. A Prerequisite for All Seekers of Truth.

Note: This site maintained by an individual Bahá’í and is not the Official Bahá’í Faith Site on the web.

“He Who is your Lord, the All-Merciful, cherisheth in His heart the desire of beholding the entire human race as one soul and one body. Haste ye to win your share of God's good grace and mercy in this Day that eclipseth all other created Days. How great the felicity that awaiteth the man that forsaketh all he hath in a desire to obtain the things of God! Such a man, We testify, is among God's blessed ones.”
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